What Did You Do This Weekend?
Here's how it worked: first, I joined the Wheel Watchers Club about, oh, 7 or so years ago. I completed an online form several years ago saying I'd like to be alerted when the WheelMobile (pictured above) comes to my area. Then, I found out a couple of years ago that the WheelMobile was in Denver and I wondered why I wasn't notified. I checked and found out that I need to keep my club account "current" by visiting it at least once every 6 months, which I now do.
That's how I was alerted a couple of weeks ago that the WheelMobile would be in nearby Cripple Creek, at a large casino, auditioning contestants. According to the instructions, there'd be 3 opportunities to audition: one at 1 p.m., 2:30 p.m., and 4 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday this past weekend. You had a chance to attend one of those "show" times if you arrived up to an hour before the show. I got there at 12:15, and it was already too late to attend the 1 p.m. show.
It was a 90 minute drive for me. The reason I was late was because I couldn't find a parking place. The reason I couldn't find a parking space was that they had blocked off the parking garage level for us to stand in line for the show.
So, I waited in line for 2 hours to get into the 2:30 show, and I was near the front of the line, so I got in. At the show, they drew names from the group of about 500 of us to choose 25 contestants, in groups of 5, to play a short version of the game and audition.
But, I still got my name in the drawing, and they will choose more contestants from that pool to invite to a second audition here in a couple of months.
After the 2:30 show, they told us that they had plenty of space at the 4:00 show if we wanted to complete another application and try again.
I was kind of ambivalent about staying. On the one hand, it meant a second chance without having to go back out there on Sunday. On the other hand, I hadn't eaten since breakfast, it was 3:30, and I'd been standing up since noon on my poor aching heel spurs.
But, I stayed anyway.
I didn't get chosen the second time, either. But: I did get another entry in that drawing! So, wish me luck!
When I got home, I had a package waiting for me on my doorstep from my friend Phyllis, who I went to Denver with last month. Inside were 3 hats, like the ones we had so much fun trying on that day!
What did you do this weekend?
We went to the flea market on sunday and it was a great one. I found some lovely treasures. It was a very beautiful day!
Have a wonderful week, my dear! Hugs, Viola
My friend Jenny who passed away gave me half her red posy hat at our art date, and her daughter gave me the rest after her passing. I just love them!
Have fun! xo Lydia
I didn't have as exciting of a weekend. I organized some closets and worked on a few craft projects. Not really fun, but important.
The hats are LOVELY! How sweet!
I spent the weekend at a yard sale, then making over a few of my finds, baking and blogging. LOL
I've been tossing around what I wanted to get for you and decided I'm going to make something. Be patient and I will get it made and have it out to you soon!