Pink Saturday at Indulge Your Shelf

There's a long-standing blog party called Pink Saturday ; I haven't joined in for years , but today when I looked at the photos I'm about to publish, I knew that I just had to! One of my favorite films, Pretty in Pink , turns 30 this weekend. I dragged my husband to a nostalgic screening of it at a local theater for Valentine's Day; what that man won't do for love! I have had this piece of a vintage beaded gown for years now; it was a gift from a fellow blogger, and I've kept it for just the right project. This week I auditioned it on the fabric collage I'm working on -- I haven't sewn it down yet but I think I will work a piece of it around at the bottom. That's about all the creating that has been going on around here this week! A few months ago I sent my only doll to my niece in California. The doll belonged to my mother; it's a Horseman doll that she got when she was about 8 years old. I called it Dorrie when she handed it do...