A Pink Sunday

I'm getting very excited about going to see one of my favorite artists, Pink , in Denver next month! In fact, I'm counting down. I don't go to a lot of concerts anymore simply because I can't afford to. But Pink is one I'll make an effort to see. She infuses her work with emotion and I love that tell-it-like-it-is quality of her lyrics. I made this collage today with her song Blow Me (One Last Kiss) on my mind...and on the iPod, on repeat. I thought you might like to see how it started out (above.) It was looking too cutesie for me (or for my gal Pink, I'm sure) so I tore it up/deconstructed. I liked the bottom so I left it... and added some vintage imagery on the top half. I threw on some of the lines from the song and Pink's name in rub-ons, along with some clock faces, paint and lots and lots of layers of paper. It was a way to blow off steam, and it was a little celebration at my dining room table this afternoon: a Pink Sunday ...