An Indoor Garage Sale

Last weekend my town had an indoor garage sale. I had to go check it out; Dennis came with me. It was pretty chaotic, with lots of vendors all willy-nilly; it took us about 2-1/2 hours to get through it, and that was going really, really fast! My pal Kathy was selling there; it was great to see her. Yes, I know: we look very color coordinated I think this was perhaps the most interesting thing I saw there; I'd never seen a pet wheel like that before! There were some "new" things there, too -- like this gal who makes jewelry out of antique buttons! She was nervous to let me take a photo, until I told her I had a button blog . I was so happy with my purchases: first, this unusual and very beautiful vintage beaded belt. I love the detail so much that I could hardly bear to put it up for sale in my Etsy shop. Alas, I need the money more than I need the feel of weighty beads on velvet in my hands! It's listed here in my Etsy shop. T...