For the love of Snoopy

Last week, something horrendous happened to us. Our dear friend, Snoopy, got sick on Friday and, on Sunday night, he passed away. He was only 11. This photo was taken exactly one week before his death. That day, we were at a picnic and Snoopy had a great time. In the coming days, though, we noticed him seeming tired, and twice I found him hiding in the closet. It wasn't until he stopped eating and clearly wasn't himself on Friday night that we knew something was really wrong. We took him to the vet Saturday morning, and the Dr. said he suspected kidney failure . He took blood, gave Snoopy some shots, and sent us home with some special food and directions on how to care for him until we got the blood work results on Monday morning. But, he was gone on Sunday night. We have been in shock. I have no words to express how much we are grieving. Our other dog, Maggie, passed away last July. She was 2 years older than Snoopy. ...