Getting ready to play big

Finally -- finally -- I am going to be back with a group of women to learn and create. I have missed this activity so much. I signed up to attend Wendy Brightbill's abstract painting workshop at Jeanne Oliver's studio at the end of October: Playing Big. I've been a follower of Jeanne Oliver's for some years now, and, because she lives in nearby Castle Rock, have gotten to meet and greet her here and there over the years -- at markets, and once even at her home when she had a girl-get-together for her friends. We have many mutual friends in the art world, and one of them is Wendy Brightbill . Wendy holds a special place in my heart because she was Ben's kindergarten teacher all those years ago. She is also a mom and an artist, and someone whose work I so admire. I am so excited to have this chance to learn from her, and create with her! Since it has been so long now since I held a paintbrush in my hand, Rebecca and I got together this we...