Let the holidays begin!

I hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving! We did. Ben came home for a few days and we loved seeing him. He rested, helped around the house, and bonded with the kittens! I also spent the holiday weekend happily working on a swap for Christmas. I had to do six White Christmas themed ATCs. Instead of using a vintage image like I normally do, I went with a tiny Christmas tree that I created from tulle tied to a toothpick. It sounds a little odd, but I think it looks really sweet. Here's the prototype, which I made into a tag rather than an ATC: It's kind of hard to see it in a photo, because the tulle is so light and wispy; when I get the rest of the swap in the mail, I'll try to take better photos for you! I also treated myself to a trip to the thrift store, since everyone's putting out their Christmas items! I love this new/unopened box intricate plastic figurines of the Three Wise Men! I think the camels they are riding are incredib...