Centennial Celebration

I know I've mentioned this over the past year and a half, and it's finally arrived: my son Ben is in Virginia right now, along with about 45,000 other Boy Scouts, at the 100th Anniversary of Scouting Jamboree. It's something he's worked hard for, from the extra meetings required as a part of a second Troop put together to represent our Pikes Peak Council... to the extra fund raisers, which included delivering phone books one frigid weekend (which took 3 miserable days!) That's him in the back of the truck, wearing the red/white/blue jacket. Along the way, he had to earn a certain rank - First Class - which he did and then surpassed. He's going to Jamboree as a Star Scout. We had to get him outfitted with a ton of extra uniforms and gear: We had to pack it up so it could be trucked separately to VA a few weeks ago. The worst part for me? Sewing on all those patches! Why such a big truck? Well, about 120 kids from this region are traveling ...