About Me

My name is Laurie Jackson and first and foremost, I'm a writer; but I'm also someone who loves to create, admire creations, and enjoy the inspiration of other artistic souls.  Thus, my blog.

Ever since my grandmother took me to my first thrift shop when I was a preschooler, I've been in love with beautiful old things.  I am a sucker for old lace, old linens, and examples of old needlework.  I've been collecting it for years, piece by piece.  About 20 years ago I began to salvage the best parts of damaged linens and sew them into embellished pillows and other pretty things. And when I say "handmade" -- I mean it!  I have been sewing everything by hand for many years, but within the last 18 months I taught myself to use a sewing machine.  I'm still a novice, mostly using the machine just to do seams, but I'm learning!

A few years ago I caught the bug to begin creating journals, tags, and other art using ephemera.  It's the perfect outlet for someone like me who has always loved old paper things.

I also adore and collect antique china, McCoy pottery, and buttons.  My foray into reselling vintage finds began a bit differently, six years ago when I found myself in charge of liquidating an estate.  I found I enjoyed the entire process of evaluating what an old piece is worth, researching its origins and uses, listing, selling, and sending it off to a new owner.  I did this first on eBay under the user name all_good_people, but now I mostly do it on Etsy through my shop, Indulge Your Shelf.  I never get tired of finding something fabulous and then matching it up with someone who wants or needs it.

In 2009 I fulfilled a lifelong dream by earning a BA in Creative Writing.   My non-fiction articles I've been published in several national magazines.  Now, I'm working on short stories and hope to someday publish a novel.  I'm a contributor to the books Etsy 101 and Facebook 101.  My Amazon.com page is in progress here

I'm very happy you're here and I hope you will return, comment on my posts, and become an online friend!

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