It's Phantom Friday!

It was late at night on a Fall evening in San Francisco, CA, about 25 years ago. I was visiting a friend who rented a room in an old neighborhood near Silver Avenue. I visited often, and had heard stories of strange happenings in the house. It seems there had been a suicide there, and previous renters reported drastic temperature changes and other abnormalities such as "a presence" in the ensuing years. But I wasn't afraid to visit, and had never noticed anything out of the ordinary. Until that night.
My friend and I were standing on opposite ends of the room, not looking at each other, but facing one another, when I heard a strange, long, loud whistle directly in my ear. The thing is, I not only heard the whistle, but I felt it as well -- I felt the air of the whistle on my skin.
I looked at my friend, but before I could react he said, "Did you just whistle?" I shook my head, "No." I didn't need to ask him if he had whistled, because I knew it couldn't have been him. He was standing on the other side of the room, and I had felt the whistler loud and clear right next to my ear. My friend then told me he'd heard the whistle loud and right next to his ear, too.
I felt very unsettled and I was in a big hurry to leave the room and the house. A few minutes later, we got into his car and my friend drove me home. We talked about the whistle a bit, and my friend was as disturbed as I was. Then, out of nowhere, we heard not just a short whistle, but several bars of a whistled song coming from the vicinity of the car's radio. My friend fiddled with the knobs, but he knew as well as I did that the radio wasn't on. We sat and listened to that strange, lone whistle, and then it stopped.
When we'd heard the whistler in his room, it was very frightening. But, the longer whistling in the car seemed ever more creepy. I really had the sense that the whistler was somehow teasing us -- not in a playful way, but in a mean way, as teasing can sometimes be.
I've told very few people that story. I am completely convinced the whistles were ghostly communications from beyond.
For more spooky stories, please visit these friends who are playing along today:
Have a spooky Halloween!
My story is up too, not as scary, a little bit lighter. Have a Happy Halloween!!!
It was creepy!
It gives me the willies just thinking about it!
On to happier news: you won the first week of my letterpress giveaway. Congratulations! I sent you an email to fill you in on the details.