I Am Spoiled
My birthday last month was one I'll remember as, "the year I got spoiled." All of my birthday surprises were wonderful, but two friends in particular completely surprised and delighted me with their gifts.
One thoughtful friend showed herself to be a sleuth: she remembered my gushing over Karla Nathan's vintage wallpaper and goodies (I blogged about that here), looked Karla up, and bought me a wonderful bunch of wallpaper and ephemera from her shop!
Another friend who's far away sent me a care package -- as in, it really showed she cared. Again, it's all in the little details, the ones only good friends know when they know you well. Like, she'd seen my window sill in the master bath and knew I had some blue glass displayed there. She also knew how much I love cloches.
So she gifted me this lovely cloche (far right.) It's hard to see, but underneath it I've placed my mother's antique Chanel No. 5 atomizer.
She gave me a second cloche, too, the one flower shaped one on the far left. (In fact, the antique perfume bottle with the silver cap on the far right was an earlier gift from her, as well!)
The blue accents really add to the display!
She also sent all this; when I opened this sewing case, I had the feeling the last owner had only just set it aside, moments ago...
I love how it's filled with more than just sewing implements -- it's truly a catch-all for crafts in general!
The old Work Baskets from the 1950's are precious, too -- especially their patterns and drawings of their projects. And, I get such a kick out of reading the ads in them!
In the early 195o's, Germany was once more on good terms with the world and ready to export their cuckoo clocks. And look at the ad above it: it's almost like ads you see today about bloggers for hire! I wonder how much it paid?
Christmas was beginning to be commercialized, with plastic trees. And people were looking to work at home: here you can raise parakeets! Doesn't that sound way better than stuffing envelopes?
It's wonderful to have friends who understand the real me. I am spoiled!
One thoughtful friend showed herself to be a sleuth: she remembered my gushing over Karla Nathan's vintage wallpaper and goodies (I blogged about that here), looked Karla up, and bought me a wonderful bunch of wallpaper and ephemera from her shop!
Another friend who's far away sent me a care package -- as in, it really showed she cared. Again, it's all in the little details, the ones only good friends know when they know you well. Like, she'd seen my window sill in the master bath and knew I had some blue glass displayed there. She also knew how much I love cloches.
It's wonderful to have friends who understand the real me. I am spoiled!
Enjoy the entire birthday year!
Very nice friends!
...and A Happy Belated Birthday!!! sorry I missed it:(
Glas you were spoiled:)
xo Many Years! Lydia