
Showing posts from May, 2010

Last Monday in May

We pause to remember those who died With so much courage, so much pride Theyā€™ll never come back, yet memories endure To remind us of freedom: fragile, pure Weā€™re worthy of their sacrifice if we pause each day ... Not just on the last Monday in May   by John T. Bird

46 Squares, Continued

A few more squares completed: I took the kite all the way down the squares, and put my little family of three at the bottom, holding it.  This is a memory of being at the park in CA with Ben, when he was about 3 years old. Our Snoopy Rose vines Sun shining, and a wheelbarrow full of weeds! Progress so far -- I'm about half-finished!

Summer Has Arrived and Time For Some Thrifty Finds

I've been so very busy lately -- those last few weeks of school are always crazy.  Thursday was Ben's last day, and so it's officially Summer at my house!  And a big summer it is, with Ben's upcoming trip to Virginia to the 100th Anniversary of Scouting's Jamboree fast approaching. I took the above photo of Ben and a fellow Scout (the only other one from our Troop who is also going to Jamboree) Tuesday when we went to pick up their Jamboree hats and patches.  As you can see, Ben got picked up, too! I did manage to hit one estate sale last week: Along with the usual stuff, there were lots of items from Germany, like this tiny cigarette case that is decorated leather. Even though it was written on the inside in permanent ink, I thought it was delightful.  It says: 1) Like, 2) Common, 3) Communication.  I wondered if the previous owner had been to a business course on "how to make friends and influence people" and taken notes; or, perhaps it was sage ...

Happy Birthday, Dad

My dear father would be 83 years old today. He, like me, was born in San Francisco.  Times were tough when he was a kid; he used to sell newspapers in the neighborhood, and shine shoes.  Summers, he would go to the Central Valley and pick fruit for pennies.  He joined the Navy as a teenager and served on a Liberty ship during World War II. They were the greatest generation. Dad wasn't one to show his affection.  I realized when I was an adult that the most ardent expression of his love for his kids was the way he provided for us.  No peddling papers or cutting fruit -- we had everything we needed. Here he is on one of his happiest days ever -- the day he caught this bass.  He loved to fish. He's been gone 11 years now, and I miss him so much.  It's so hard for me that my son never got to know him. They loved each other.  I only saw my father cry three times in my life: once, when his son (my half brother) was shot by a stray bullet at a ...

Etsy Blogger Street Team Blogger of the Month: Handmade by Sandi

Every month we get to "meet" and write about another blogger as part of the Etsy Bloggers Street Team.  This month, it's Sandi of Handmade by Sandi !  Sandi has one of those friendly blogs that she fills up with stories from home, the antics of her various crafting friends, and her passion for her yarn crafts. She has two Etsy shops: one for fabric and supplies, called Sandi's Stash , and the other for her handmade items, called, what else?, Handmade By Sandi .  Here are my favorite items from her handmade shop: Crocheted Scarf .  I love how she took photos of the scarf held in place with various pins -- many made from buttons -- to show a new way to wear it!  Spa set .  It's my color, and she did a great job of photographing it, and including a sample soap from another Etsy shop! Now through May 31, Sandi's having a huge birthday sale!  Everything in her shop is 50% off, and every purchase is entered in a drawing for a $25 gift certificate!...

Sweet Surprise

I was so pleased when I found this lovely gift from fellow blogging friend and Button Floozie, Barbara , in my mailbox yesterday afternoon: It was almost too beautiful to open, along with the handmade card! That red toile tissue paper is just to die for!  And look at the lovely lady on the tag (right -- the card on the left is Barbara 's calling card, which is also too sweet !) Inside was one of Barbara 's lovely collages, which traveled all the way 'across the pond' from England! Isn't she gorgeous? Of course, done completely by hand by the brilliant Barbara .  See those tiny, iridescent blue green beads at the bottom?  When I woke up this morning, the sunlight was shining through them and they glowed like dew on real leaves! Right now it's hanging in the kitchen, where I put it up yesterday to photograph it.  I'm not sure where she'll end up in my home, but I know I'll have fun finding a place for her! I will cherish this gift of friendshi...

Tea Cup Birdhouses

I've had this idea forever, and finally put it all together yesterday!  It's amazing what a couple of days of sunshine in a row will do for you. I bought a couple of weather beaten porch railings from a junk store last Fall and had my husband saw them into pieces.  Yesterday, I hauled them out and painted them. I had to mix this green color myself, and it turned out pretty well, if I do say so!  After the railing was dry, I screwed in a tiny drawer pull; it's plastic, but looks a bit like glass. I glued one end to a vintage saucer, and the other end to a vintage cup. Then, I decorated the bottom of the cup, which is the "roof" of the birdhouse, with some vintage buttons. Here's the finished piece: Then while I was at it, I made some more in different colors: My husband thinks they're funny-looking.  Well, maybe they're not so conventional.  But, I like them!  I'm listing them in my handmade Etsy shop, Twice Shy Restore...

Getting Carrie'd Away

Who else, besides me, is excited about Sex and the City 2?!  Check out these inspiring, pretty things from Etsy sellers, to get you in the mood! Keep Calm and Carrie On Stickers Carrie Necklace in Seafoam Carrie's Stoop Notecards Vintage Chanel Mary Janes Love on the Brooklyn 50's Fox Fur Hat Whimsical Cosmo Charms Hand stamped ribbon I can't wait until the movie opens here, to get Carrie'd Away!