Spring time In My Shops

I'm a member of the Etsy Bloggers Street Team and each month we are to blog on a theme for a blog carnival.  This month, the question was,  Do you have any special items in your shop to celebrate the season?

I have!  I just finished uploading a whole bunch of new products in Indulge Your Shelf, and I'll show you some of them that I think are particularly Spring-like; click on the description to see the listing:

Here's a touch of Spring in Twice Shy Restored:


So, that's what's Springtime fresh in my shops!


Jingle said…
Wonderful additions! That mini sewing kit is fabulous!
Thespoena McLaughlin said…
What a cute blog! Love all those wonderfull cheery things. Thanks so much for visiting me today and for your sweet words. Hope you have a great day!
Deborah said…
Hi Laurie, love your little treasures. You are so industrious. I wish I could be as organised as you are. My little Etsy shop is sorely neglected.
Sorry to hear about your business card woes. I agree with you on the shortsightedness of businesses who should know better. My SO and I were just discussing the case of Blockbuster the other day. (i think they will be out of business too due to their shortsightedness). Here is the link to French Charming: http://frenchcharming.blogspot.com/. Thanks for the heads up on the erroneous link.
Sherrie said…
Just give me a call when you are ready to decorate. I'm thinking road trip to find goodies. Actually, I really don't need an excuse for a road trip. Thanks for stopping by, always nice to see a friend. I just wanted to say that I like all the goodies you are showing especially the embroidery hoop rescued linens. I have done the same thing, but I actually painted the wooden hoops. Yup, think bright red. I play too much with spray paint. What can I say.
Deborah said…
Wonderful items!
Jann said…
How fun! Oh, I love those buttons! Thanks for sharing the photos of everything!

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