A small part broken off or detached. An incomplete or isolated portion; a bit.

I love fragments. I love the stories they tell by what is missing from them.

I am delighted when I find a kindred spirit -- someone who is as enchanted with the bits and pieces as I am, and who celebrates them!

Fragments lovingly stitched together...

To create a piece that is more than a bit -- a bit more whole...

But, even still incomplete. A fragment. Still beautiful.
A small part broken off or detached. An incomplete or isolated portion; a bit.

No one except me would consider this (above) beautiful.
But, to me, this piece of me and my son -- his leftover umbilical cord, that fell off about five days after his birth -- is not only beautiful, it's one of my most priceless possessions.
It's proof; a remembrance of the time we spent together, just before we each became a fragment of the other.
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