The New Me

So, I spent a couple of hours today updating my blog look, and I'm eager for your feedback! Do you like it? (I think it's softer and cleaner looking.) Does it take too long for your computer to load it? I really want to know so I can improve things if that's the case. Also, a couple of people have told me they're having trouble with leaving comments. Please let me know by emailing me (link on the left sidebar under my profile picture) if that is the case! I owe this blog makeover to Missie Zee, who posted a tutorial on making over your blog on her blog, Crafting with Cat Hair . She posted it over the summer, and at the time I was so tied up that I told her it would be a while, but I had it on my list. And, look! I finally got around to it! Thank you so much, Missie! I still have some more things I want to add, such as buttons along the top, a button of my own about this blog, and maybe one of those fancy progress bar widgets to keep me on track. As an aside: the...