It's Officially Summer!
Well, the little guy got out of school yesterday, and the outdoor pool has opened, so, it is officially summer around here!
I finished that project at work, which took 28 hours, and am hoping they can take it from there so I won't have to go in again! Can you tell I'm ready for summer fun to begin?
This weekend, our neighborhood is having their community garage sale and there are sales galore! This morning I spent 2-1/2 hours driving around to about a dozen sales and found some great stuff, which I will share with you later. Tomorrow, a friend is coming along and we will hit the rest of the sales!
For now, I thought I'd show you what I've been working on the last few evenings: pillows for me. You know how it is: you create pretty things for everyone else, or to sell, and don't keep anything for yourself? Well, it has taken me about 3 years (that's how long I've had the fabric and pillow forms) but I finally made the pillows I'd envisioned to decorate the top of my bed in our master bedroom: