As a recipient, I'm to blog about my favorite 7 things and then nominate 7 other blogs for the award!
Seven of My Favorite Things:
1. My son's smile. I love everything about it: his soft cheeks, his dimple, his bright eyes -- everything!
2. Summertime swimming. When the outdoor pool in our community opens for the season, my favorite thing is to go there, swim, and then lie in the warm sun. Even though I'm less than one mile from home, if I close my eyes I feel I'm on a beach vacation!
3. Godiva chocolate cheesecake.

5. Jane Austen. I've read all of her novels over and over again but I never tire of them -- or of watching the film adaptations. In fact, whenever I feel depressed, a surefire comfort is to plug in an Austen film and get lost in it. I'd love to someday own an antique set of her novels.

You'll want to visit each and every one of these artist's blogs to see their Kreativ-ity firsthand!
Congratulations, ladies!