This and That
I'm escaping from wrapping Christmas gifts for a few moments to say H-E-L-L-O!
Here's a photo of a button tree I made with vintage buttons from my collection, some tiny silver beaded garland, and pins:
Also, I have to show you this print that I have been coveting from my favorite local antique store for more than two years. The last time I was there, the booth owner happened to be there working on her display, and I asked her to give me a deal on it. She was happy to sell it to me, she said, because I wanted it so much! It's a sample plate of monograms, from Germany.
Earlier this month we had my Aunt Delores visit for a few days; she was actually here for my husband's surprise birthday party. Here are the boys playing around with my husband after dinner; notice the empty cake plate in front of him! It took 2 cakes and a pie to feed the crowd of 12 that night!:
Aunt Delores was grieving the loss of her faithful beagle, Cricket, who she'd had to put to sleep last month. Our Snoopy was comforting her.
He always seems to know.
I'm just about ready for the holidays; I have decorated as much as I plan to, have mailed cards and gifts, and have just a couple more gifts to buy for my immediate family. I haven't actually done any baking this month, which is unusual. I have had a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit as much as usual. How about you?
I feel like I haven't been around much; must be the physical therapy appointments and the extra time I need to take to doctor my poor achin' tendonitis in my tibia, and my heel spurs. I have exercises to do twice daily, and I'm supposed to ice my feet five times a day.
Yesterday I went to the podiatrist for a follow up visit and he was not pleased with my progress. Even though I feel a small improvement, he was looking for a big one. He gave me a night splint to wear and, holey moley, it's huge! It's not so easy to sleep in, either. He wants me to alternate feet with the splint, but I have to say I'd prefer to keep it on my right foot, which is the more sore and inflamed of the two, because (despite the lack of sleep) it made my foot feel so much better. But I'll do what he says, because I'm that kind of a gal.
Here's a photo of a button tree I made with vintage buttons from my collection, some tiny silver beaded garland, and pins:
I'm just about ready for the holidays; I have decorated as much as I plan to, have mailed cards and gifts, and have just a couple more gifts to buy for my immediate family. I haven't actually done any baking this month, which is unusual. I have had a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit as much as usual. How about you?
I feel like I haven't been around much; must be the physical therapy appointments and the extra time I need to take to doctor my poor achin' tendonitis in my tibia, and my heel spurs. I have exercises to do twice daily, and I'm supposed to ice my feet five times a day.
Yesterday I went to the podiatrist for a follow up visit and he was not pleased with my progress. Even though I feel a small improvement, he was looking for a big one. He gave me a night splint to wear and, holey moley, it's huge! It's not so easy to sleep in, either. He wants me to alternate feet with the splint, but I have to say I'd prefer to keep it on my right foot, which is the more sore and inflamed of the two, because (despite the lack of sleep) it made my foot feel so much better. But I'll do what he says, because I'm that kind of a gal.
Looks like the family was having a great time! :o)
Animals always seem to know when we need a little cheering up!