One World, One Heart 2010

One of the things I've been looking forward to all year is the beginning of the next One World, One Heart (OWOH) Blog Party and giveaway! I participated in it last year, and I credit the event for making this blog come alive with readers and with making some wonderful new friends! During OWOH, I made a point of bookmarking all my favorite participating blogs, and visiting them again as time allowed in the weeks following the event. That's how I met so many of YOU!

This year, OWOH has the theme of Magic Carpet Ride. The organizer, Lisa, aka A Whimsical Bohemian, is hosting the event on her blog this year. She recently sent out an informational email to those of us who participated last year, which included this bit of direction:

thing I am asking this year is that whatever your giveaway or giveaways are that you find a clever way to present it on your blog when the event begins. Since this year we’re riding the Magic Carpet perhaps you can find some way to use that theme to photograph or present your giveaway. This gives everything a more festive look rather than a simple photo and a couple of lines. BE CREATIVE! Have fun with the theme this year, get people to stand up and notice you!!"

I'm thinking about just the right giveaway to offer! (Last year it was a handmade pillow.) I'm also beginning to think of how to present that giveaway in the way Lisa has suggested. Sign-ups begin on January 25, 2010! I hope you will all think about joining in the fun!


Angela said…
I love the handmade pillow you gave away last year! I will keep an eye out here to see what you do this year! Looks interesting! :o)
Christine said…
I'm thinking about participating as well this year. OWOH introduced me to several beautiful bloggers, including you and Coralie! It's an amazing thing to find friends from all over the world!

Malisa said…
I am going over to look right now! Thanks for the information and for the invitation!
Unknown said…
that is how I met you! I remember that pillow.....I have to think about my giveaway too!
Micki said…
When is the drawing for the winner? I might consider this one.
barb cabot said…
Laurie, this is the event that brought us together. That means alot. You are such a soul sister. I wanted to say Happy New year to you and your family. I hope 2010 brings you much joy and happiness. You are such a lovely soul. Enjoy everything in life throughout the new year.
Jingle said…
I so want to do this! I followed it last year and I am really excited to join in this year!
I can't wait to get started! I don't know what I'm going to have for a giveaway this year but I may try to do something around the theme. Not sure but it'll be great fun!

Best of all, last year I met you, Laurie! And Christine! I was just getting stared with my new blog and it was wonderful to find good friends right from the start! I cherish our friendships and thank Lisa for the idea to put this all together for us!

Wishing you a HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hugs, Coralie
Oh it iss so fun finding new friends. I am definately going to think about joining in. Thanks you.

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