Market Day

The week before they moved, my friend Jenni and I went to the Paris Street Market. (You may remember when I went to one a couple of months ago and blogged about it.)

This one was just as much fun -- or maybe even more!

This time, I took along my camera and snapped photos (the vendors didn't mind) of some of the nifty things we saw and liked:

We loved this little shelf unit, made from a sweetly curved-front dresser drawer.

Doesn't this green slatted porch chair, with the swing suspended on chains, look inviting?

We couldn't figure out what these big springy things were -- does anyone know? Whatever they are, they sure make a sweet spot for hanging plants!

Speaking of springs -- how much do you love the way they made this old bed innards a set up for potted plants! In another booth, we saw where someone had taken the same kind of mattress springs individually and used them as a perch for small birds nests! Sorry, no photo, but you can imagine.

And, my favorite:
I was so inspired by how they put chicken wire on these windows and made them into sort of catch all memo boards. You can hang stuff on them using clips or, even cuter, clothespins!

As soon as we left the Market and had lunch, we went to The Barn where I bought a window -- plus a couple of more architectural pieces:

I found these in The Barn's out back area, full of wonderfully rusting stuff and an ever changing supply of windows, doors, shutters, etc.

Isn't it picturesque, with the silo in the background?

I've got my chicken wire and I'm going to make my window memo board, soon. (I actually started on it yesterday, but it was too hot in my garage to keep working!) I decided to use the side where the wood is plain, rather than the side that was painted white. I've already carefully knocked out the glass.

Here's the before:

As soon as it's done, I'll show you the after!

Oh -- and last but not least, we also visited The Stash for their grand opening where I entered a drawing and was notified a few days later that I had won! I won a book and I need to make it back up there (about an hour's drive) soon to pick it up!


Christine said…
Okay now I need the window with chicken wire! I've been looking for something for a new inspiration board in my studio. That is perfect!!!

Jenny said…
What a fun market-I love living vicariously through others' adventures :) Good for you going to work right away on the window with chicken wire. Don't forget to share the "after" look!
Micki said…
What a great market! It looked like great fun!
Sandra said…
Gosh, that looked like such a great place to find just that used treasure. I love that you found a window, and have started on it already. BE sure to let us see it when its finished. I also loved the lawn swing at the street market, reminds me of my childhood.;)

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