Wash Your Hands!

I just learned from a friend that the first death here in Colorado from H1N1 was a woman who lived near me and was about my age. Her husband is also ill with the flu. My friend who, like me, loves to frequent the thrift stores, told me that she was donating stuff to our favorite thrift store a few days ago and had a chilling conversation with the volunteer taking donations. He told her that the man in the car in front of her was the widower of the woman who had just passed away. The volunteer pointed to the large pile of the deceased wife's clothing the grieving man, also ill, had just dropped off and wondered aloud if it was safe to touch. Think about it! I know we are all careful to clean what we get from thrift stores, flea markets, and other recycled outlets. I have always kept a canister of Clorox wipes in the car and use them when I come out of any thrift store, and especially before I drink or eat. This year, more than ever my friends, be especially vigilant !