Happy Valentine's Day to All

Here's some Valentine's Day Blog Candy for you!


Summer Gypsy said…
I love your colors, Laurie! So bright and cheery! Thanks for visiting me, and I look forward to visiting again soon.
Lydia said…
Dear Laurie,

I especially love the colors of the heaRTS ON TOP- JUST BEAUTIFUL!!

You are a winner on my OWOH giveaway. I posted a comment on a previous post, and left a note on you Etsy site, as I saw no email. You have won my ABC's of LIfe address book! Please send me your address, and I'll send it off to you:)



Linda Sue said…
AHHH my mom did that exact same needlepoint in that oval frame when I was wee, she gave it to the neighbor and was sorry after...Lovely, your posts are SO PRETTY!

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