Peony Pleasure

*I* was the lucky winner of Coralie's One World, One Heart giveaway on her beautiful blog, Vintage Cottage Home.

I won these lovely napkins, a set of four, featuring a favorite bloom of mine, peonies. They arrived yesterday and it was like Christmas in February!

Do you think the flowers are meant to be wild roses?

I think they look like peonies. And, since peonies have been my favorite for the last couple of years, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Thank you Coralie, from the bottom of my heart!

P.S. The broken china mosaic plate in the last photo was done by my son when he was 10. I love his sense of color!


Jamie said…
Ohhh! LUCKY! These are wonderful. I wanted to win those. Pouting. LOL! The mosaic your son created is beautiful. What a talented boy you have there Momma! Have a wonderful day sweetie! Love, Jamie
Jamie said…
I wanted to write seperately and say thank you for your words of encouragment last week. They really helped so much. I am sorry to hear you went through similar with your Mother. Thank you for reaching out to me. Love, Jamie
Sherri said…
Congrats! They are SOOOOOOO pretty! I love them. And the plate is just adorable. What a sweet memory maker!
barb cabot said…
Congratulations Laurie! What a great prize. I love peonies too and your son's plate is beautiful. I'm going to be a follower of your blog from now on. Lovely blog.
Pretty Things said…
I loooove that peony pattern! Which reminds me, I have a purse made out of that, I have to dig it out (I have a shameful collection of handmade purses from Etsy).
Lydia said…
They are Just BEAU-TI-FUL !!!
This is such a sweet post, Laurie! I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. So happy you are enjoying the cloth napkins. The One World One Heart Giveaway event bought such joy to me and to so many others. I love that I met you through the giveaway "journey"! Let's stay in touch!

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