Stitching Pretty

I found a lovely but stained, embroidered napkin and just knew I had to do something with it. You know how that is. I cut it into a heart shape and then immediately felt terrible about discarding the lovely turkey stitching, done by hand of course, that was the trim.

So I decided to use the trim border as if it were piping. I sewed it in between the seams and was very pleased with the results! The green looks so fresh to me!

The interesting flap of fabric over the right side of the heart was a necessary embellishment due to the way the fabric was stained. It's always fun to figure out a way to salvage the best! I think when I begin using it I'll tuck a sprig or two of lavender into the "pocket."

I couldn't resist adding a photo of the heart with an Amy Butler fat quarter in the background -- more cheery, fresh green!


Linda Sue said…
Oh Laurie this is SWEET! Love the idea of pillows with pockets, too. I sent your pkg yesterday, sent priority but don't know if our lame PO actually put the priority stickers on it so who knows...Anyway thank you so much for your kindness and thoughtfulness. It was not my Mom's work, but something really sweet came from meeting you in blogworld.
Scary Mommy said…
That is just darling! I wish I could whip something up like that!!
Pretty Things said…
That is just wonderful! I love it (and want it!)
Lydia said…
Sooo Pretty!!! You have such a good eye for these lovelies. I love vinatge linens:)

PLease give a holler when you get your package so I know that all was received OK. It went out Mon. of last week, so you should be getting it real soon, if you haven't already. Thanks:)
Ann said…
I love the pocket idea--a great idea to hide the stain! So clever!
Alexandra said…
Fantastic work. Have a nice weekend. G. Xela
maryboys said…
i wish i knew how to seems so magical when someone "whips up" a project that looks impossible to me!

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