Textiles, What Else?

I've been tagged by Coralie to pick the 6th picture from my 6th folder and post it, then blog about it, so here we go:

Last year my husband took an art appreciation class and I accompanied him one morning on his assignment to visit an art museum. He needed to photograph some of the artwork and we lucked into an exhibit that is just so up my alley: Designing Women, all about the textile artists of postwar Britain. It was brilliant.

This photograph is of a piece of fabric designed in the early '50's by Jacqueline Groag. I googled her to tell you some more about Groag, and came up with this fantastic blog and post: The Textile Blog: Jacqueline Groag.

Now, instead of tagging six other bloggers, I'm going to extend a invitation to the friends reading this post on my Facebook: tag, you're it!


Lydia said…
Cool! So retro:0 My daughter would love it .

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