A Paris Street Market

We have the most wonderful market north of me, in a town called Littleton -- yes, that one: the home of Columbine High School.  Every summer season, May - October, they have a monthly market called A Paris Street Market which I've blogged about before -- I just adore going! 

Last summer I think I missed all but one, so this year I was determined to get to one early in the season!  I did so, all by my lonesome, on Saturday.
I had asked several friends to go with me, or meet me there, but no one could make it.  Now, normally I don't mind going places like this alone.  Sometimes, even, I prefer it because I can linger as long as I like poking through piles of linens, for example; but for some reason this particular day I didn't relish going solo.  So, I almost didn't go.  I am so glad I changed my mind at the last minute and went!
The weather was perfect -- maybe even a bit too warm -- and no wind to freak out the people selling glassware! 
I love that the Market is held in the parking lot of a nice outdoor mall; it's easy to go into an air conditioned store to cool off a bit, or visit Panera Bread for lunch and an iced tea, like I did to rest halfway through the booths!
I was swooning over this display of antique french lace curtain panels:
I had to stop and examine each one...
They ranged in price from $75 for a scrap long enough to make a short valance up to $700+ for a pair of panels for the average living room.  They were heavenly!
As I lingered, and oohed and aahed over them, the booth's owner told me that she had paid residents of a battered women's shelter in France to "pick" them for her from garage sales there!  (Wow!  How's that for a tip?! It made me realize that I am so out of my league in finding the good stuff!)
Never-the-less, I was very happy with my own few purchases, like the beautiful bloom, above.  I love the color, and also the tiny, tight, unopened blossoms included.  This little beauty came from a Denver drug store and still had its original price tag (not the one shown) of 59 cents!
My favorite junk guy was there, and didn't disappoint.  He had this stack of old, unused, stamped postcards for me, as well as this:
my find of the day...
 a beautiful vintage album, with only one, newer-era photo left in it...
 and all these pages and pages of cabinet card frames!
Oddly enough, my favorite part is that the binding is so broken that I won't feel bad at all taking it apart to use the innards, and cover, for art!
 I am in love with it!  Best of all, it was only $10!
 I really think I scored, if I do say so myself!


Angela said…
What fun! That senior photo looks almost like mine, it shocked me for a second...must be close to 1965.
Pam Kessler said…
I buy so much more when I am shopping alone. If I go with a friend I tend to talk too much and shop too little. Do you follow Vicki at Rusty Rooster Vintage? She posted some cabinet cards this week that she altered for her Grandmother's birthday party. She's does some cute stuff.
Suz said…
I think you really scored on that album. I also just love the flower. The color is one that I haven't seen. Not that I am any sort of expert!!! I love the panels, too, and can't believe how they were purchased. What a story! We may be going to Southern France on a barge trip later this summer. Maybe I will find some curtains like that...if only I could remember any of my minimal knowledge of French. They look drool-worthy.

I got a sack of great old books at a library sale. Got there the last ten minutes and they announced a dollar a sack. Several Korean books, an atlas, an old dictionary, lots of this and that...cool stuff to rip up! I love old books and can't stop buying them :-)

Splendid Little Stars said…
Oh that looks like so much fun! Just looks at all the lovelies you found!
Spotted Sparrow said…
You DID score! The flower is oh so pretty, but you know I'm really drooling over the book. Can't wait to see what you do with it!
Anonymous said…
Oh! I wish I could have met you there!

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