Library Day

It's a beautiful day, with highs expected to be in the 80's! I'm sitting at my local library, enjoying the view of the front range and Pikes Peak. I'm willing to bet we have one of the best views of any library, anywhere!I came here today to get a little peace and quiet and write a short article for a contest I'm entering. You can enter, too! The contest is a partnership between the American Library Association and Woman's Day magazine. Here's a link.

They're looking for articles on how using your library has saved you money. It's a good topic for today's economic situation, don't you think? There is no prize except that up to 4 of the articles chosen will be published in Woman's Day. (That's actually a prize in itself if you're an aspiring writer -- did you know that the job market is as tight for writers as it is for everyone else? Many magazines no longer take article submissions or queries unless the writers can provide published samples.) I wish I could post the article I wrote but it would then be considered published and then I'd have no chance to "win" the contest.

In other news, I stopped on the way here to buy a new supply of sewing machine needles, and hope to have my crazy quilt pillow finished to show you by tomorrow.

I hope everyone's having a fabulous day!


Melissa said…
What a pretty view. My library's view is of the parking lot!

Good luck on the article :)
I love our local library but mostly for the Friends' Book Shop where all books sell for $1 - $4 and much less for children! It's a great savings for those of us who love to read!
Lydia said…
We have a pretty nice view also, but nothing like this!! Wow! such inspirational backdrop. My hubby loved his days in Colorado years ago:)

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