Welcome, 2012!

Thank you for reading along this year.  I so enjoy this part of my life: blogging about junque that makes me happy, art that inspires me, and all the great stuff my friends are doing and showing online!  I love this blog, and all the friends who visit mean so much to me!  *That means YOU!*
I’ve been reflecting on the year that is coming to an end.  It hasn’t been the best year for me, personally.  I made some tough decisions about the people I spend time with which, while difficult at the time, have proven sound and beneficial.
Looking back, I’m very happy that I spent more time in creative pursuits in 2011.  I was also intentional about making exercise a priority.
My focus for 2012 is to be more authentic, and honest about who I am, where I’m going, and what I need.  I’m planning to get better at communicating these things to the people in my life.
I’m going to be intentional about staying on track to accomplish my 2012 dreams: to write more, create and surround myself with beautiful things that make me happy, and work even harder on a healthy lifestyle.  I’m also hoping to find a job!
How about you?  What was your year like, and what are your dreams for 2012?  Did you blog about it?  If so, post a link to your post on this subject in your comment!
I'll leave you with some Gaiman.  Happy New Year!


Hope 2012 will be a great one for YOU!!!

Lisa said…
Happy New Year sweet friend! Glad I got to meet you this past year. I'll be here encouraging you on to your goals and dreams for 2012. You can do it!
Cheryl said…
Happy New Year Laurie :-) I want the very same things as you do for this upcoming new year... okokok, not the job-- that'd just interfere with playing in my studio lol
big hugs!
Sharon Morrison said…
mmmm I love your quotes and borrowed one for my blog. I hope you don't mind. I am so tired of drama and I vowed before 2012 even got here, that I was not taking it into my new year. What ever happens around me cannot penetrate my soul. I just won't let it.
Like John Lennon sang; Let it Be.
Love you blog and keeping up with your projects.

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