
Showing posts from December, 2011

Welcome, 2012!

Thank you for reading along this year.  I so enjoy this part of my life: blogging about junque that makes me happy, art that inspires me, and all the great stuff my friends are doing and showing online!  I love this blog, and all the friends who visit mean so much to me!  *That means YOU!* Iā€™ve been reflecting on the year that is coming to an end.  It hasnā€™t been the best year for me, personally.  I made some tough decisions about the people I spend time with which, while difficult at the time, have proven sound and beneficial. Looking back, Iā€™m very happy that I spent more time in creative pursuits in 2011.  I was also intentional about making exercise a priority. My focus for 2012 is to be more authentic, and honest about who I am, where Iā€™m going, and what I need.  Iā€™m planning to get better at communicating these things to the people in my life. Iā€™m going to be intentional about staying on track to accomplish my 2012 dreams: to write more, cre...

End of the year antique-ing

I took a little road trip yesterday to northwest of Denver to meet up with Suzanne at the shop that's at the halfway point between our homes... I got to meet her buddy Cheryl who I've heard so much about, and we had lunch and exchanged Christmas treats, too!  (I can't believe I didn't take any photos of us!) I made Suzanne this Ball jar that I'd filled with the sweetest vignette: an antique photo of a little girl in winter garb... with lots of sparkly stuff inside... and topped with sheet music and glitter! She gave me some beautiful things, including this prettily wrapped gift! It's an absolutely beautiful day book!  I haven't had one of these in years! I can't wait to begin using a few days! The bird theme is just over-the-top beautiful! We so enjoyed hunting for treasures; we were all still enthralled with all the great vintage Christmas stuff... if you're sick of Christmas, look away! I loved the gold flower, above, with it...

And so this was Christmas

I hope each and every one of you had a nice holiday, filled with joy, relaxation, and good food! A few days before...Ben and his best buddy playing XBox A vintage stocking I repaired My initials on some beautiful laundry tape I found on eBay and ordered from France; it arrived on Christmas eve. Using the good stuff The second table, which inadvertently became "the kid's table" I don't remember what I was talking about!  (With Rebecca at dinner...) Okay, admit it: you've taken photos with your own feet in them! Dennis gets a gift The boys on Christmas morning, playing with their gadgets It seems like every photo of my son these days looks like this! This year, we all got iPhones (back in mid-October) and agreed that would be our Christmas splurge.  So, although we've had our "gifts" for a couple of months now, we're all still novices at using them.  (Well, except for Ben, who is applying his iPod Touch knowledg...

There's no such thing...

Image too many pretty vintage Christmas ornaments! I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas!