Pillow talk

I've been playing with decorating some pillows I made last month.
I never get tired of white linen and pearl buttons, do you?
Pretty buttons I got from an estate sale...all in a row.
Here's one that's a work in progress; I just sewed this print-on-linen to the front, then will decorate it with lace, ribbon, and buttons.  I used remnants of an old towel as well as the bottom ruffle of a vintage dress.  I love how there are two different shades of neutral/textures put together.
Above is a photo of something that's been living in my craft room that I'm getting rid of; it's a collection of sea shells I picked up on California beaches in 1992, which I them assembled in this frame.  One of the principles of getting rid of clutter, as you may know, is photographing something you don't want to part with, then keeping the photo, not the object.  I'm very sentimental, and it works well for me.

The next step in my craft room clean-up is to take the covers off of broken-binding books to save for journal covers, and also harvest the pages for ephemera; I'm going to go do that right now.  I'll probably make up some fun ephemera packs to sell in my shop, while I'm at it.

I hope this will help to take my mind off of all the bad news that seems to be coming my way this week.  I'm trying to be cheerful but the blues can be so strong, can't they?  The latest is that of one of my son's friends attempted suicide this week (at 14.) My heart bleeds.


Pretty Things said…
LOVE MOP buttons, love the shells!
Sharon Morrison said…
Laurie...life is hard sometimes...my thought are with you. The blues come and go....sometimes they come and stay for too long. That is when an art retreat is a respite.
Hang in there....life is long....hahah
Linda Sue said…
Oh No Laurie that is rough stuff! 14 years old- makes one wonder what sort of thinking is going on with that child! clearly mixed up and so sad...
Your pillow, as always , are super- love the buttons all lined up, just gorgeous, Laurie!
Suz said…
Just love your pillows, Laurie!
Excellent job!
Anonymous said…
I love your pillows. Such a beautiful touch of buttons and lace.
Angela said…
Love, love that first pillow! Simplicity at it's best!
Hope you are doing ok! :o)

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