What I found junque-ing in Kansas

You might be wondering what all I bought while at those fun warehouse sales and antique malls in Kansas!  Well, the answer is: not too much!  There was so much wonderfulness, but I was somehow content to enjoy it all -- the mood, the texture, the styling -- and not feel the need necessarily to take it home with me!  Here, though, is what did fit into my suitcase:
Puss, in boots!  Halloween style, no less!
There were some nice examples of vintage Halloween paper decorations, and all were priced according to their rarity.  The most expensive single piece I saw was $12, so when I found this one much later in the day for $2, I felt I'd really scored!
I loved the red and green price tags -- I think they will be great for Christmas crafting!
That little piece of architectural trim was just too fun to pass up for $1.25!
Pretty glass buttons from West Germany, and, on the right, that fun ticket stack from a 'mexican cafe' in Kansas City!
Fun old curtain clips -- I can think of about 100 ways I'd like to use these!
These trim samples are just the right size for decorating tags!
I could not resist that bit of a crazy quilt in a tiny hoop.  It's in my kitchen now.
Ephemera: rolls of old wall paper border -- I love those tiny packages!
And this telephone girl memo pad -- what a hoot!
The little telephone timer under glass made me laugh; it so reminded me of when my parents attempted to limit the time I spent on the phone as a teenager -- ha!
You can see how small it really is as compared to the key tag from the Hotel Plaza next to it; when I make a journal of my artsy Kansas trips someday soon, I'll include that key tag in the decor.
One gal had a whole pile of flash cards that were 4/$1.00, so I chose some words I liked at the moment!
I also bought one of her soldered pendants and a bit of dyed silk in a mustard color I love.
Here are the vintage Vera napkins and placemats I picked up for our Thanksgiving table!  There were just 3, which was fine by me since my little family numbers just that.  I paid more for these than I ever pay for linens -- it might be a record!  But, I do appreciate the value of  vintage Vera and they will be a cherished keepsake.  I adore them!
Here's what I bought from Carol Spinski's shop, Raised in Cotton: a beautiful runner that now graces the counter between my kitchen and family room, and an antique school book.
What I loved about that book besides its gorgeous, timeworn cover and pages is that it might have belonged to an ancestor, Mary Jackson from Missouri (which is where our Jacksons hail from.)
This was a favorite find: some gorgeous ledger sheets from France!
I bought five pages -- got to rip them right out of the (already disassembled) ledger, for $1 a page.
Fall is in full swing around here.  Above, some of the trees in our side yard last week.
This is my maple, which now stands bare.
I've set out the treats I brought home around the house.  Above, that little white pumpkin in front on the left was a gift made by Tami!
Are you doing your Fall decor yet?


Sandi McLean said…
Oh you did get a treasure trove of goodies! Vintage Halloween, WOW. You just can`t find much at all here and it is priced sky high.. Thanks for sharing..
Dee in N.H. said…
Ooooh! You definitely got some fun stuff! Wouldn't that be cool if the school book was really from a relative!
Unknown said…
Loove the black cat, and the school book! When you are flying it is hard to bring anything back so smalls are always great! I have those same gold clips in black! I think I decided to use some to hang jewelry with and then I'm going to use some in the craft corner to hang items from for display! What an awesome trip you had!
Anonymous said…
great finds! love the photos of leaves always enjoy the colors.
Kathy said…
You got some great goodies!! I know what you mean about being content to look. When there is a lot to see I can slip into a junk trance and get overwhelmed with the admiring and can't even make up my mind what to buy!