Vintage Crafters Cafe Tussie Mussie Swap

Our Facebook page Vintage Crafters Cafe had a tussie mussie swap! I was paired with a new friend, Robin, who said she loved nature, rusty metal, moss, chandeliers, wooden spools, birds, primitive but not country -- and no pastels, pearls or lace. At first I was kind of stumped, but eventually I had a plan. Here's the tussie mussie I came up with for her: I glued moss, grapevine and burlap ribbon roses around the edge. The scrapbook paper was thick and double-sided. I also made her a little coordinating matchbook to hold some treasures, and a tag. The top of the matchbook was a really lovely molded belt buckle, and I tied on a china underwear button. I created it so that the tussie mussie could stand up in a rusty bed spring I also sent along! I filled it with lots of fun little trinkets that I hoped she would love! It was hard to part with the stitched Robin square -- but I knew it had to be! I also gave my last...