Vintage charm

For a long time, I've been wanting to make my own necklace from vintage charms and bling that I collect from thrift stores, estate sales, antique stores, and the generosity of some of my swap partners.  The other night, I finally did it!
Sorry for the blurry photo -- but, you get the idea!
It always feels so good to do a project you've been thinking about for a long time, doesn't it?
For the "base" of the necklace, I bought a gunmetal-colored chain from Michael's craft store.  That's the longer chain on the outside; for the shorter, inside "chain" I used a beautiful rhinestone necklace that was too short for me to really wear otherwise.  I fastened it to a very old piece of chandelier glass, which I then tied to a piece of beautiful vintage velvet ribbon, in moss green.
The little cuckoo clock charm was originally a souvenir pin from a German town.  The square charm in the lower right corner of the photo above is from an industrial line of jewelry findings; it unlatches and you place whatever you want in between the glass.  I put vintage sheet music in it, along with a pretty piece of old lace.
I added a pretty, very old filigreed ball button, and pieced some pearly beads and an embellished charm that I received in a swap -- it's a bird, nest and blingy "eggs".
A vintage rhinestone pin...
a soldered charm that was a gift from Viola, more beads...
a pretty rhinestone crown -- I love this piece!
A skeleton key, and some pretty vintage glass buttons.
For the focal piece, I put on a claw clasp.  That way, I can change out the charm!  Does that sound strange?  I just have so many pretty charms I'd like to wear more often...
Like this Jane Austen piece...
this beautiful Silver Bella souvenir from Hope...
and this little fairy charm that was a blog giveaway win.  I think they will all look very cute on the necklace!
Just for fun, I decided to make some earrings, too.  The earring findings were not expensive at Michael's, and adding the beads was very simple!
I wore the necklace out the other day, and really enjoyed the feeling of wearing something I'd made!


Marion said…
Very pretty and shiny, Laurie. You did a great job. I have that photo of the woman reading blown up to 8 x 10 and framed in my living room. xo
Anonymous said…
The pictures don't do this necklace is even more lovely in person!
Angela said…
Lovely! I'm sure that necklace really makes you smile when you wear it! Beautiful job on it and on the earrings!
Unknown said…
O.K. now you have raised the bar! I have the same project sitting and waiting! Everytime I see a Jane Austen piece I think of you now. I have to set a date now and make that darned necklace! Thanks for the push!
Dee in N.H. said…
That is beautiful! We need a pic of it on! You have some very pretty charms!
Devonay said…
I love it! It's beautiful! I've been thinking about a similar project. Now you've inspired me!
Lisa said…
Beautiful Laurie! Thanks for sharing!
Peace said…
Fantastic! I'm going to use you as motivation to jump into my own pile of waiting pretties! Just beautiful. I especially love the touch of velvet ribbon.
Tammy said…
Gorgeous!! I've been thinking of doing a charm bracelet--eventually. The ribbon is a great alternative to a chain. Love it!
Linda said…
oh nice piece of art. i have a print of the woman sitting in the chair reading hanging in my living room. it's one of my favorites, so i liked that charm the best. all the pieces look great together. thanks for sharing.
Angela Catirina said…
OH Laurie! You out-did yourself! I love the vintage, green velvet ribbon in the mix - it really set's it apart.
Kathy said…
You did a beatiful job! I try to make jewelry from time to time but don't seem to be very talented with working two pliers at the same time. Ha, my left hand isn't very smart!
Anonymous said…
Oh, well done Laurie. Both pieces are amazing!

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