Countdown to Birdsong 3

Can you believe April's almost over? I'm getting very excited about Karla's event, Birdsong 3 coming up the second weekend in June. The month of May/end of my son's school year is always hectic, and this year he will be going off to work all summer as a camp counselor on the day after his 16th birthday...just a few days before I leave for KS for Birdsong 3. Ben and I, last year I can promise you I will be ready for some girl fun/creating/road tripping to Karla's at that point. In fact, I already am. Well -- not literally ready , yet. I did finish and ship off my Birdsong 3 sponsor packages to Karla (above)... and I did finish up my tag swap, hostessed by Stephanie (who I get to see again -- yay!) That is a photo, above, of the reverse of the tag -- I don't want to spoil the surprise and show you the front. That little pocket holds a mini Moo card identifying me as the maker of the tag. All I'll say is that the front of the ...