September collage challenge

I haven't been doing much paper art lately, but I was determined not to miss playing in Mary's September Collage Challenge!  Here's what we were given to use:
and here's what I came up with:

I envisioned it as a postcard.  I enjoyed just those few minutes of paper play, so much!  Thank you Mary!


Anonymous said…
Fabulous mix of papers and textures - bravo!
Maggie said…
Hi Laurie! Glad you snuck in a little time for 'paper play"! I like how you haven't used the umbrella girls as the main focal point...taking a completely different direction than many of us. Love it!
Gill said…
I love the 2 girls under the umbrella!
Hope said…
This is such a fun project! How!
Susan said…
Lovely collage! I love the pretty papers you used along with Mary's images!
Deborah said…
Love what you did with this collage and that you envisioned it so uniquely as a postcard. Mary has such lovely ephemera, doesn't she?
Kadee Willow said…
You did such a great job! I loved that you highlighted the quote about September! So much fun to play with paper and glue, isn't it? I'm taking a break from my paper project just to see what's going on in the blog world. So glad that I dropped by!!

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