Scary Santa

Who needs Halloween when Christmas is coming and you have this scary Santa?
In true auction-spirit, I paid too much for this Rushton Santa from than I EVER would have at a regular Goodwill!  I had to have him.  Does he not just scream vintage Christmas?!
At 99 cents, these Shiny Brites I picked up from a different thrift store Saturday were much more my speed.  Gosh, it was just like the good old days: I was having such a great time finding treasures and filling up my cart.  I lived the dream for a while and then I put most of it back since I'm not selling vintage anymore.  I left behind a pair of FABULOUS Arthur Woods ceramic candle holders from the 1960s, a perfect pink footed Hull planter, and a blue early Pfalzgraff flower pot exactly like this one.  I'm still dying to go back and get those candle holders.  I can't find a photo of them anywhere online to show you so what does that tell you?

Here's what I kept: this sweet bird which I recently learned is actually not a vase but a holder for scrap pieces of kindling near a wood stove.  I have always wondered what those those little skinny "vases" (most made in England) were, did you?
 Monogrammed vintage linens: can't pass them up when they're 50 cents...
especially when they are your own initials!  And edged with tatting!
If you haven't been over to Tag Tuesday lately, take a look.  They've had some fun challenges lately!  Above, my tag for Beads, Buttons and Bows.
I'm trying to work up the gumption to make these scraps of fabric into some Fall decor this afternoon; how did it get to be the middle of October already?  I am dreaming of fall colors festively strewn along the wooden surfaces of my house.  Yes: the enthusiasm is there but the energy is most definitely not.  Wish me luck!


JoJo said…
That Santa screams alright....or maybe that was me. lol He's pretty creepy looking, as toys from that mid-century era often were. About how old is it? I LOVE vintage glass balls too. I got a huge box of them last year for $2.
Kathy said…
Really? The skinny vases held KINDLING WOOD?? I have not heard of this. A larger picture please. How big is it? I have many, many bird figurines and never imagined that some of them were really kindling holders!
Kelli Davidson said…
The Santa is pretty cool looking! I was at Jo-Ann's this weekend and saw a bag with a pretty vintage looking blue bird siting in a bird bath and I immediately thought of you! You would love the bag for some of your scraps etc.... my aunt kept kindling in her bird vase too!
Ooh, he is a little scary looking, but cute at the same time. What are the chances of finding vintage linens with your own initials. You did good.
Lani Robertson said…
Love the Santa...great finds! :)
autena said…
Oh, I had a Santa ornament that I listed for a long time. It belonged to my family when I was a kid. I thought it was cool, but one day I came across it on someone's blog as among the ugliest Santas. Bummer, but it eventually sold to a guy with young kids.
Curtains in My Tree said…
I had that same Gnome Santa for years and always took it to the flea market with me to sell I remember having one back in the 1960's went I was but youngin

anyway I finally talked a sister into taking it for her home vignette for Christmas LOL

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