Juniper June

Even though I missed Birdsong this year, I had a chance to get in on the fun: I purchased an extra kit by Lesa Dailey for the class she taught there.  It is a little bird decoration she called Juniper June.  I think I waited about 18 hours from the time it arrived in the mail until I was at my dining room table creating it!

I followed the directions all the way up until the end, when I deviated from the style of eyes that were suggested.  I just couldn't quite figure out how to make them work, so I decided my little bird would have glass beaded eyes.
Hopefully, it doesn't look too plain.
I love my little bird and I had a ball making her!
It is the first creative thing I've done in weeks.  The challenge before me: I need to find a way back to both regular exercise and regular art time now that I have a job with regular hours!


Lorraine said…
How adorable! Looks like you had a lot of fun with that kit.
karen hess jewelry said…
Precious! I love the eyes,I can't wait to see more of your lovely creations!!
Beth Leintz said…
Wasn't Juniper June fun to make? For me, it was a whole new kind of crafting.
Marrianna said…
You were kidding about the eyes possibly looking too plain, right? This little cutie couldn't be plain even if you missed one of the beads for the eyes. She is a real charmer. If you have a desk at your new job, I think she shold have a place of honor. What a treat for you every day when you go to the office. Congratulations on a job well done.
Wasn't she fun? Lesa has agreed to come and teach again, too!
Linda said…
That is one of the sweetest creations yet. Love the colour palate also. Well done Laurie.
She's adorable, glass beaded eyes and all!!
Kathy said…
It turned out adorable! Give yourself some time to adjust - you will find the new routine.
Abby / Linda said…
I had been off of creating for months, since I was finishing up my first novel. then vacation hit, and I was all into our cruise for our 25th! Now after a rest from vacation, :) I am back to creating! Yay! Made a little needle book. I used a 5 inch practice embroidery of an Iris, that was for the crazy quilt class we took. I sewed it to the front of the needle book, added lace and viola! A cute needlebook! It was fun!!!

BTW, are you a follower of gentlework on blogspot? I think you would like her stuff!

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