This was the most interesting thing I've had to list on shopgooodwill.com where I work, lately: It's an 18th century French clock. It's full of mystery. It also might be the oldest thing I've ever listed at work. There are so many people listing so much stuff lately that I miss a lot of it -- like this fashion illustration. I didn't even see it go up online. Luckily, I found it when I was checking inventory on the site and was able to bid on it -- and won it! I don't think I've ever seen one written in German. It's framed under glass and has a tag on the back from an antique shop in Iowa. Then it also came with four other, unframed prints: I love how bright the colors are. I especially liked the views of children in the prints: As much as I love all the ruffles and silk -- I'm happy we don't dress that way anymore, aren't you? That's not to say I'm not a sucker for the s...