
Showing posts from August, 2018

Wait, what month is it?

Have you seen this meme on Facebook or elsewhere on the web? It makes me laugh and at the same time it strikes fear in my heart!  Because I had such grand plans for Christmas crafting this year.  I intended to start in July.  Well, it's mid August and I finally did start preparing last week by sorting through my Christmas thrift store finds from this year. After sorting, I started grouping.  These are all the special shaped tart tins, molds and cookie cutters that I bought specifically for crafting this year; I grabbed them whenever I found them cheap at thrift shops. But when I went through the stash I already had, I discovered a great supply (above) that probably would have taken me through this year's crafting!  But no matter, because I have an idea to sell  kits  for making those wonderful little tart tin/mold ornaments this year -- so, extra is good.  I am so excited about this project and have spent time yesterday and today gather...

How their garden grows

When I was unemployed for 5 months this year, I began to volunteer at the local library, searching the shelves for books people at other libraries have reserved and sending them on.  I did it twice a week for a while, and then when I started working again in June I dropped one day and just do it once a week.  I just love to be in a library! There is a gardening club in my town, and they have taken a patch of soil next to the library and created a vegetable garden and a separate flower garden.  Every week I've watched the flowers spring up and always mean to go over and photograph it.  Thursday, I finally did! I wish you could smell these beautiful flowers!  Their fragrance hits you about 10 feet away from the garden! These are as delicate as paper! I love summer!šŸ’—