
Showing posts from November, 2017

Vintage Christmas Ephemera Book

I love vintage ephemera, but especially vintage HOLIDAY ephemera.  This Thanksgiving, in quiet moments, I took the time to make this little book.  What can I say?  It was so very satisfying, and peaceful -- blissful, really!  I took a photo of every page, and, at the end of this post I've included a link to my Facebook page, which has a video that Ben helped me shoot and edit, showing the whole book, too! Did you have a favorite page? Here's that video link: I hope you had a lovely holiday!  We did.

The days are getting shorter

I have so much to catch up on here on my little blog.  I now have a permanent, full time job.  This came about so oddly: first of all, it's with a company in an industry that I never would have dreamed of working in.  The only reason I did was because the temp the agency was out of jobs (back in June) and only had this lone assignment which was to last just 4 - 6 weeks.  I said to myself, "Well, it's only for 4 weeks..."  Famous last words , as my mother would say. I'm working in the administrative offices of a company that runs half-way houses.  Our clients are people who are just getting out of jail, or trying to avoid going into jail.  For 30 years the company has been run as a non profit organization, but in September it was acquired by a for-profit business.  By that time I'd already been working there as a temporary for almost 3 months. It was a whirlwind time of lots of change -- and so then I continued to work there almost just to see ...