A Tag Tuesday prompt of childhood memories and a best friend
I've made a commitment lately to participate in the Tag Tuesday blog , where we have a weekly theme and create and post a tag. This week's theme was "Minibeasts" -- aka, bugs. It was a challenge. I personally am not a real bug person. I admit that while I admire bees and such, I don't particularly care for them, nor do they inspire me to want to make art -- not even butterflies. So after a lot of thought, I ended up making this tag based upon a favorite book, Charlotte's Web by E.B. White. Charlotte, you'll remember, was a spider who befriended a small pig named Wilbur and saved his life with some clever web-writing. Now, I must tell you, of all the beasties in the whole beastie realm, spiders are my least favorite. I am actually very afraid of them, and have been all my life. I well remember hearing about Charlotte's Web when I was in first or second grade and being sure I wouldn't care for it -- being about a spider and all. ...