Frigid January blues

When you live in a cold climate, January can really be tough.  Even though we get a lot of sunshine in Colorado, it's still frosty, and that chill can travel right down to your bones.  We stay indoors alot during a normal January, but this year it's that much worse because we've been doing it for so many months now.
This photo came up in my memories, from when Ben was a toddler.  We'd been given a hand-me-down snowsuit and I couldn't wait to use it, so on one cold California day I dressed him up in it!  We were so innocent of real extreme weather conditions in those days!  The photo is over 20 years old, but I remember that day so well, and I can still feel the weight of Benjamin in my arms.
Art Garfunkel
My cats are in winter mode.  If you love a cat of your own, or ever have, I don't have to tell you how much they enjoy a sunny window...
Hey Jude
or a sharing your blanket on a winter night!  Both of them have grown in their winter coats and are spending most of the day with their eyes closed.  If only I could go into that mode, too -- my body really wants to!
Why can't it be February already?  I lourve February, and there's so much to look forward to!  The return of some of my favorite TV series seasons, Valentine's Day, chocolates and hearts and  lace and pink and rosy red crafts and decorations!  If January is frigid and blue, February is soft and pink!  I can hardly wait!
At my house, Christmas lights, the tree, and all the decorations are still up!  I love the lights and I can't bear to put them away!  My heart is too tender, we've been through so much...the pretty things must remain, at least until it's time to switch from holly to roses, and green to pink!


Shortbread and Ginger said…
Your cats look so comfortable! Love those hearts! Liz

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