
Showing posts from March, 2015

Happy mail and surprises at The Bins

I think I  have mentioned that we have a new thrift store in town -- one of those weigh and buy stores, a Goodwill Outlet, aka The Bins. They are fun to shop at since everything is sold by weight; therefore it's a challenge finding things you'd like to buy that are also lightweight so you get the best deal. You know how much I love buttons, as well as bargains, so you can imagine how thrilled I was to come across these at the bottom of a bin!  More photos of those are on my other blog, Button Floozies . I bought the prettiest card/tag book from my friend Terri's shop .  It's going to be the perfect graduation card for my friend's daughter! I'm planning to put photos, quotes and maybe some gift cards in each of the little pockets or on the tags.  She will love it -- who wouldn't? Is there anything more fun than ordering from your friends?  I think not -- and I call it happy mail!  The box above and the pretty little linen next to it we...

Spring crafting

I've been feeling the urge to do some Spring crafting, how about you?  I white washed this fence I bought at an estate sale last year, and added my rag wreath to it and hung it over the computer desk!  Pardon the messy desktop... I'm not a big Easter decorator but I have a few pieces I like to get out...  like this tag I made last year. and this sweet Peter Rabbit statuette; here he's holding a Peter Rabbit baby fork.  I just made these decorated eggs the other day!  On the small one, I glued some crepe paper in a kind of ruffle around the egg...  and added a sheet music medallion and lots of glitter.  At the same time, I covered a peat pot with this wonderful vintage wallpaper.  And added a frothy pink ruffle to the top for trim.  On the far left, behind Peter, is a beautiful little egg from Karla's shop . Beneath it all is a gorgeous table topper that was a gift from Linda when I ordered from her ...

Scenes from my morning walks

I really appreciate living in Colorado, and I remember that more whenever the weather is nice and I'm out walking in my neighborhood.ļ»æ I've been in a kind of a fitness funk ever since my Curves gym closed almost a year ago.  I have access to other work out rooms, but they require a level of self-discipline and lack the "community" feeling I used to get at Curves.  Do you know what I mean? I try to keep on top of exercising by swimming, walking, and taking the occasional Zumba or other dance type fitness class.  Lately since Spring has made its appearance, I've been doing more walking.  It helps me a lot to be out of doors in the mornings since my full time job, which I start at noon, keeps me inside all the rest of the day. I like having my phone with me on walks so I can take photos of whatever strikes me along the way. The day I was taking these we had ice melting and I noticed this cool formation on the surface of the water that was d...


Thank you for all the lovely comments on my post about being inspired !  Here are some of the things that have been inspiring me lately: Have you seen this lovely paper tableware that looks like burlap covered with lace?  It's in the wedding section at Hobby Lobby and I was drooling over it the other day.  I would almost have a party just to use this tableware!  I was at Ikea the other day and they had this line of ephemera style wrapping paper, notes, and tags. How much fun are they?  I had to buy one of each! Many moons ago I admired this exact cross stitched sampler framed on a friend's wall.  I wanted to copy it and make my own but I have NEVER seen one in an antique or junk shop.  Then Terri posted one on her blog and when I gushed, she sent it to me!  How lucky am I?  I love it like crazy and can't decide if it's going to be a pillow or be framed. Terri also sent these great kitschy Christmas tags and decorations.  ...

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Corned beef and cabbage is in the crock pot for my family, and frosted bakery shamrock cookies await them, too...the best I can do on a day that I work! Here are a few images from St. Patrick's Days past for you. And some links to St. Patrick's Day crafts in my past: A fabulous swap I participated in for St. Patrick's Day in 2012 I hope you remember to wear a little green and enjoy your day!