
Showing posts with the label plot twist

Plot Twist, or, Be Careful What You Ask For

I picked up a small, hand painted sign at Vintage Market Days, held in Colorado Springs , last week.   I went to the market twice: once on my own and once with Rebecca!  It was an event I'd been looking forward to for a long time. Here's that little sign: I bought it because, there has been an unexpected development in our lives. In writing, this is called a plot twist. We have decided to put our beloved home on the market and move to a more urban area, North of Denver, where jobs are plentiful and pay better. It's a move we've been contemplating for a long time, but love of our home and reluctance to make such a change has always overridden the decision. Until now. As you know, Dennis has been out of work for more than 5 months.  I've been working for a temporary agency pretty steadily, but have not had a permanent job for 8 months despite applying everywhere, too. It's not that there aren't any jobs here -- it's just that t...